Are you struggling to lead and manage your teams through fear and uncertainty?
Challenged by how to support your employees during this crisis?
Concerned about the employee engagement, well-being and connection?
The Reset & Reconnect Program: Cultivating Calm, Resilience, Effectiveness, and Connection in Challenging Times
(Contact: Mary Beth Leisen, Ph.D., marybeth@leisenconsulting.com)
Organizations Facing Unprecedented Challenges
In the COVID-19 crisis, our world has completely changed in a month. At a personal, professional, and organizational level, nothing is business-as-usual. I’ve been flooded with calls from leaders, desperately seeking ways to bring some sense of calm, reassurance, and maybe even a tiny semblance of normalcy to their employees isolated in their homes. Fear, anxiety, and pressure are all running sky high – and no one is immune; this crisis has literally touched everyone.
The top concerns I’ve been hearing:
- Leaders desperate for ways to manage their own fear and overwhelm so they can lead with calm, resilience, and empathy
- Their teams struggling to stay connected, to support each other and work effectively together, and to feel as though they’re part of an organization and not just out on their own
- Everyone seeking some sense of efficacy, of being able to control their responses to situations and events, rather than feeling as though they are at the whim of each new development
Most of all, I’ve heard from leaders who deeply care about the safety and well-being of the people in their organizations and who want to help people cope in any and all ways possible. Their concern has been incredibly moving. This is truly a human moment.
What Is the Reset & Reconnect Program?
As a psychologist who specialized in stress and trauma and a former business executive, I empathize greatly with their concern. I created the Reset & Reconnect program to help a leader support his employees as people, foster their sense of team, and help them move forward together, despite everyone working remotely. It has expanded to several more organizations – I would be honored to work with you to support yours.
Reset & Reconnect is a series of customized virtual sessions designed to support people with tools, strategies, and connection so they and their organizations can successfully navigate this crisis.
Grounded in neuroscience, psychology, and management research, the components of the program are designed to enhance individual well-being, resilience, efficacy, empathy and compassion. Reset & Reconnect is about helping people in the organization best support themselves first and foremost and also support their clients and the business. These skills are critical now – and they are also invaluable from a growth and development perspective.
Companies are defined by how they show up in a crisis. Those that demonstrate genuine concern and commitment for their employees and clients will lead strongly into the future, attracting and retaining talent who choose to stay because they know they’re valued. Attending to the care and engagement of the people in your organizations isn’t just good business; it’s powerfully human. Everyone needs to feel that right now.
Who Is the Reset & Reconnect Program for – and How Can Organizations Benefit?
Reset & Reconnect is relevant to all levels of the organization, although the specific modules may differ by audience. Everyone needs the human benefits of being able to calm their nervous systems and work with fear and other challenging thoughts and emotions at this time. Leaders require additional skills to guide their organizations effectively.
Here are some of the ways that organizations are using the program:
- Leaders,
Leadership Teams, Managers
- Embody empathy and compassionate leadership
- Model calm strength
- Maintain connectedness with colleagues and staff
- Regulate emotions, managing their own fear and stress
- Increase self-efficacy and responsiveness
- Build resilience
- Intact
Teams, All Hands / General Staff
- Regulate emotions, managing their own fear and stress
- Maintain meaningful and productive team connections
- Increase self-efficacy and responsiveness
- Build resilience
- Organizational
- Demonstrate sincere care and concern for all employees and their well-being
- (Note: Regardless of the audience, this has overwhelmingly been the main motivating factor in companies’ interest in offering this program)
- Maintain and strengthen company culture while remote working
Structure and Format
Designed to be as practical and useful as possible, the program can be tailored to meet your organization’s particular needs.
Program Structure
- Four weekly sessions, option the to extend
- 45 minutes in length (see below for format)
- Videoconference
- Attendance: Drop-in or Consistent
- Recorded for those who can’t attend live
Session Format
- Session Segments
- Check-in (5 minutes)
- Guided Practice (10-15 minutes)
- Can offer participants the option to attend only the guided practice, if they have limited time
- Background research, discussion, and additional instruction and application, relevant to session’s theme (30 minutes)
- Potential themes:
- Calming Stress and Tension
- Fear Brain & Knowing Your Triggers
- Working with Fear, Worry, and other Difficult Emotions
- Managing Emotional Contagion
- Modeling Calm, Competent Leadership
- Resilience and Growth Mindset
- Utilizing Positive Psychology
- Maintaining Meaningful Connection Virtually
- Staying Mentally and Physically Resourced
- Sourcing from Care, Kindness, and Compassion
- Work-Life Balance When Working from Home
- Discussion
- Connection and questions shared via chat
- Interactive discussion for smaller groups
What Participants Are Saying
“As a senior leader, I’ve felt a tremendous burden to be there for my teams. This has helped me be more of the leader these times call for. Thank you.”
“I’m so appreciative my company has offered this. I don’t feel so alone.”
“I finally feel some sense of control when everything is spinning so out so much.”
“Just because all that is happening out there doesn’t mean I can’t be calm in here.”
“Thank you so much! This is the first time I’ve had any semblance of calm in weeks. Can’t wait for this each week!”
Bring Reset & Reconnect to Your Organization
I would be honored to discuss your organization’s needs and explore how Reset & Reconnect can help address those challenges. To begin the conversation, email me at marybeth@leisenconsulting.com.
I’m sending you and your loved ones, colleagues and clients my deepest wishes for your safety, health, and well-being in these challenging times. We are all in this together, and we will get through it together, too.
Take good care,