‘Bad Apple’ Situations: How to Prevent Yourself and Others from Spoiling

‘Bad Apple’ Situations: How to Prevent Yourself and Others from Spoiling

One Bad Apple Spoils the Whole Bunch. There’s a reason that this saying has survived for so long. It’s true – for apples and for people. Research shows that negativity is infectious and leads to rotting of moods, well-being, physical health, and relationships. A 2010 New York Times article found that one Bad Apple in […]

On Being a Nomad: ‘Without Home’ – But Never Homeless

On Being a Nomad: ‘Without Home’ – But Never Homeless

The Big Leap I’ve been a nomad for 20 months now, traveling and staying with friends and family.  I took this sabbatical to pursue study, travel and explore, and to have some unforgettable experiences. As I peruse Craig’s List apartment listings (it’s time), I’m reflecting on this incredible journey and what it meant. This is […]

Falling Up: Facing Fear of Failure

Falling Up: Facing Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure Bites Again Two weeks ago, at the World Domination Summit, I realized that I’ve been a bit stuck lately, as I’ve given in to my fear of failure around developing my business.  It wasn’t sudden, or it would have been more obvious.  But slowly, I’d stopped engaging in the playfulness of life, […]

Quieting Negative Self-Talk: Freedom from the Haters in Your Head

Quieting Negative Self-Talk: Freedom from the Haters in Your Head

If You Haven’t Got Anything Nice to Say, Why are you Talking All the Time?  Negative self-talk, I wish I didn’t know you so well… Since I’d been working the voices in my head quite in-depth the past week, on Friday I invited others on Facebook to join me by noticing negative self-talk and trying […]

Create a Help Registry to Get What You Need

Create a Help Registry to Get What You Need

The Right Stuff Gift registries used to be solely the domain of weddings and babies. The happy couple – or expectant parent(s) – decides what they need, scans bar codes, and boom!  Everyone knows exactly what to buy.  It’s as easy as picking tapas off a menu. As a non-mind reader who frequently crumples under […]

How Not to Meditate: Lessons from a Vipassana

How Not to Meditate: Lessons from a Vipassana

Intentions Aren’t Everything In response to a Facebook post asking about vipassana meditation retreats, my friend Sarah commented : “I think Mary Beth did one of these, right, MB?” Indeed I had. Vipassana is an ancient Indian meditation technique rediscovered by Buddha over 2500 years ago and globally popularized in the last century.  It means […]